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The TwoPianists, Luis Magalhães and Nina Schumann, both professors at Stellenbosch University, need no introduction to local audiences. Established in 2000 as the Magalhães-Schumann piano duo, which became known as TwoPianists, together, they have toured extensively throughout the US, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland and Japan, to widespread critical acclaim.

The realisation that the South African music community lacked a stable culture of recording with which to showcase the country’s immense art music talent led Luis and Nina to found TwoPianists Records in 2008. Over the course of a few short years, TwoPianists Records has achieved a degree of success unprecedented for an independent classical music label situated near the southern tip of Africa.

In this unmissable concert on 8 March at 20h00 in the Endler Hall they revisit their first recording as a duo – a selection from the complete works for two pianos by S. Rachmaninov – released in 2016.

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